about EHPU

about EHPU


The general aim of the EHPU is to promote and protect hang gliding and paragliding in Europe. In order to achieve this aim, as an independent, self-governing and non-profit umbrella association for national hang gliding and paragliding associations in Europe, the EHPU seeks in particular to consult with all relevant regulatory authorities in Europe, for the benefit of hang gliding and paragliding. It endeavours to cooperate both with the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) and with Europe Airsports.

President and General Secretary

EHPU working groups

Airworthiness committee: Chairman Angus Pinkerton

Terms of Reference:

  • To monitor and report on the status, and participate in the development, of the various hang glider and paraglider airworthiness certification standards with the objective of encouraging the creation of the minimum set of high quality safety standards that ensure pilots are using, to the extent practical, inherently safe equipment.
  • To monitor and report on the progress towards the EHPU's goal of one common set of Hang Gliding and Paragliding airworthiness standards. This work to enable EHPU member bodies to work towards the situation where all pilots in all EHPU member states are using certified equipment.
  • To make recommendations to the EHPU General Meeting on technical areas of Airworthiness concern requiring action by the Member bodies.

Safety and Training committee: Chairwoman Sanne Both

Terms of Reference:

  • To propose common safety and training practices with a view to improving safety, accident reporting and prevention
  • To introduce systems whereby the transfer of safety and training related information between member states can be quickly and readily effected.
  • To maintain a harmonised database definition for recording accident and incident data in order to collate this data for the benefit of all EHPU members.
  • To produce an annual report to include summary statistical information, analysis and recommendations to improve the safety and training of pilots.

Airspace Officer: Helmut Bach

Environmental Officer: Thomas Senac


1. Name, Seat
The Union bears the name "EUROPEAN HANG GLIDING AND PARAGLIDING UNION", and is hereafter referred to as the “EHPU”. It has its seat in Munich, and it is intended that it will be registered in the Register of Associations there. The Office of the General Secretary may be located in another European member country.

2. Aims
The general aim of the EHPU is to promote and protect hang gliding and paragliding in Europe. In order to achieve this aim, as an independent, self-governing and non-profit umbrella association for national hang gliding and paragliding associations in Europe, the EHPU seeks in particular to consult with all relevant regulatory authorities in Europe, for the benefit of hang gliding and paragliding. It endeavours to cooperate both with the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) and with Europe Airsports.

3. Representation
Either the President or a member of the Management Committee nominated by the President or the General Secretary may represent the union for legal purposes (whether in relation to court proceedings or otherwise), although in relation to each other (internal relationship) the General Secretary may only provide representation in the President's or his aforementioned nominee's absence.

4. Membership
Membership is open to each national hang gliding and paragliding association in Europe, provided that the EHPU regards it as the major hang gliding and paragliding association for the country concerned. The General Conference of the EHPU shall decide on the admission of Members.

5. Subscription
All Members must pay an annual subscription, the amount of which will be set by the General Conference upon recommendation of the Management Committee.

6. Language
The official language of the EHPU is English.

7. General Conference
The General Conference is the assembly of Members’ delegates. Each Member sends a maximum of two delegates, of whom one is entitled to vote. These delegates will normally be the President and the General Manager of the Member association.

The General Conference meets at least once a year in the country of a Member association. The date and place will be determined by the EHPU President. The General Conference has a quorum if at least half of its Members have each sent a delegate. If no quorum is obtained at any time, new invitations must be issued, whereby the new conference will be quorate regardless of the numbers of delegates attending. The notice period for invitations is at least two months in all cases. Invitations must be made in writing.

The General Conference
1. Adopts resolutions on the acceptance or exclusion of Members,
2. Determines the level of the membership subscription,
3. Can set up further committees,
4. Must reach decisions on all EHPU projects

Except as is provided below, once a year, the General Conference must convene as an Annual General Meeting (AGM) to conduct the following tasks, namely:
1. To elect the General Secretary to serve until the next AGM. The General Secretary can be re-elected without limitation in time and is responsible for the work of the EHPU Secretariat, as well as for EHPU finances.
2. To set the annual budget of the EHPU.
3. To elect a Treasurer to serve until the next AGM.
4. To elect members of the Management Committee in addition to the President, Treasurer and Chairman of ESTC. The Management Committee shall make arrangements for delegates, other speakers and guests to attend the General Conference or Annual General Meeting virtually. Delegates attending virtually can vote as if they were physically present at the meeting.

In exceptional circumstances, the Management Committee may postpone General Conference or Annual General Meeting for a period of not more than one year. The General Conference or Annual General Meeting shall vote to ratify this decision at the postponed General Conference or Annual General Meeting.

The General Secretary shall act as Recorder during the AGM.
Minutes shall be sent as a draft to the Management Committee for approval before circulation to Member Associations.

8. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
On request by at least one-third of the Members, an EGM will be held within three months of the date in which the Management Committee receives this request. The EGM shall have a notice period for invitation of at least two months. The General Meeting conditions are applicable accordingly.

9. Voting
Each Member has one vote. Although a Member can permit another Member who is present to represent him by proxy, no Member may represent more than one other Member. In the event that a Member has outstanding debts in relation to the EHPU and has not provided proof that these debts have been paid off by the time a meeting starts, the Member will forfeit his vote, is not entitled to be represented by proxy, nor can he represent anyone else.

When voting, a simple majority of votes cast by present and represented Members is necessary; and in the case of tied voting, the President has, if appropriate a second, casting vote. In the case of amendments to the statutes, at least a two-thirds majority is required, and also the proposed amendments to the statutes must have been notified to Members at least six months before the General Conference. In the case of decisions affecting the national, legal, financial or structural matters of a Member, unanimity is required.

Voting must be carried out publicly, although in the case of elections or on request by a Member it may be carried out secretly.

The Management Committee is entitled to amend the agenda to allow for the inclusion of urgent items.

Motions can be put on the agenda as urgent motions until immediately before the meeting is opened. In order to be considered, the meeting must approve with a two-thirds majority. Motions to amend the statutes cannot be dealt with using this process.

10. President
Each Member has the right to supply the EHPU President for one year. This right is exercised by turns taken in alphabetical order, provided the Member whose turn it is, is willing to fulfil this function. (The English-language names of Member countries - beginning with France - are used for this purpose.) Before the start of the AGM, the Member concerned must appoint the new President. The new President's term of office runs from the end of this AGM to the end of the next AGM. New Members may not supply a President any earlier than 36 months after joining the union. In addition to any powers and duties conferred upon the President by these Statutes, the President shall (i) act as a member of the Management Committee, (ii) Act as the formal host of the Annual General Conference and at any other General Meeting Conference or Assembly.

11. Management Committee

The day to day management of the Union shall be carried out by a Management Committee. The Management Committee is permitted to take any decision in respect of the management and activities of the EHPU not otherwise reserved to the General Assembly or President alone.

The Management Committee shall consist of the President, Treasurer and Chairman of ESTC or his nominated deputy, as of right, plus 4 other elected Members.

The elected Members of the Management Committee shall be elected from the delegates standing for such election at the AGM. Delegates from new Members shall not be entitled to stand for election to the Management Committee any earlier than 36 months after joining the Union. Delegates may 'self-nominate' themselves as candidates for election to the Management Committee.

Members may only hold one position on the Management Committee each year.

In the event that a member of the Management Committee ceases to be a delegate he shall forfeit his position on the Management Committee.

The Management Committee shall report to any Conference, Assembly or General Meeting upon its activities and in particular to the Annual General Meeting, such report to include the Treasurer's Report.

The Management Committee shall report as soon as possible any decisions that it has taken to all members where such a decision affects, the Union itself, any particular member or members, or the sports of hang gliding and/or paragliding generally.

The Management Committee shall elect from amongst their number, a Chairman who will convene and Chair meetings of the Management Committee and who will Chair the meetings of the Union in General Conference.

The Management Committee shall elect from amongst its number, a person to act as the Union's delegate to Europe Airsports for so long as the Union remains entitled to send such a delegate. In so far as it is possible, the Management Committee are to retain the same person as delegate to EAS for as many years as possible.

Date of foundation: January 27th 2001

First revision May 31st 2002

Second revision January 2019

Third revision January 2022

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